Navigate to Purchase and Inventory. Select Purchase and then NonFuel Invoice from the drop down.

When you click the Non-Fuel Invoice tool a search criteria window will appear. Fill out the criteria, then click the “Search” button to access the Non-Fuel Invoice Listing window.

The Non-Fuel Invoice Listing window will appear. Click the “+New” button in the top right corner of the window.

A blank non-fuel invoice window will become available for you to edit.

The empty fields that appear red are required and must be filled in prior to entering in the items received.

  1. Store Code – Select receiving store from the dropdown list
  2. Invoice # – Type in the vendor assigned invoice number (or type in a unique number, such as the date. EX: 012919
  3. Vendor – Select the delivering vendor from the dropdown list
  4. Invoice Date – Date of delivery – type it in or select the date from the dropdown calendar
  5. Invoice $ – Cumulative total amount charged by vendor
  6. Diff $– The difference amount between invoice total and line item computed total

Additional Fields: Payment Term, Order Date, Purchase Order, Receive Purchase Order are available for your business needs, however they are not required fields when entering in an invoice.

Add Item Options:  Click in the drop down menu to view options for adding items to the invoice

  1. Add New UPC– Use this option when adding a brand new item to the invoice that does not currently exist in S2K
  2. Search By Description– Use this option to add items to the invoice based on description
  3. Search By UPC- Use this option to add existing items in S2K to the invoice (this is the default option)
  4. Select Department– Use this option to enter a total amount for a specific department, such as CRV

View Type: 

1. Click the the drop down menu to select the desired view type.

2. Select Set Default for this to be the way you view each invoice as you open in. Most choose Margin as their default.

  1. Margin– This view will show you last cost and margin when entering items. This is the preferred view to check accuracy of data
  2. Normal– This is a summary view to add items to invoice. Last cost is not displayed
  3. Vendor SKU– This view will show items using the vendor sku/supplier ID, if entered into S2K.

Non-Fuel Invoice Line Items

Collapse Button– use the collapse button in the bottom right hand corner of the invoice screen to minimize the invoice header information and allow for a larger view to enter items

To add items to the invoice, first switch to MARGIN view and then type in the UPC of the item(s) purchased in the invoice. (switch to Add New, By Description or Select Department in the drop down, if needed).

The item will be added to the product list and default to show LAST COST.

In the QTY field, enter in the amount of sell-able inventory being received. It is important that the QTY is not entered in by case. The QTY will add to the current in-stock inventory value for the item.
*For example, when you purchase one (2) cases of Diet Coke Lime you will enter 48 for the quantity (single cans).

The next field is Unit Cost. The field will default to last cost, you can update if needed or leave the last cost as is.

The remaining fields are Extended (total) Cost, Current Unit Retail and Margin for the item.

Please see the documentation on how to manage retail on a non-fuel invoice for more information: Manage Retail on Non Fuel Invoice

Continue adding items to the invoice until complete and difference shows $0

Click Save when done to complete the invoice.