You can find a broad-spectrum of S2Ks reports by clicking the reporting button located on the top right-side of the title bar.
The reporting button is accessible throughout the S2K system for easy access.

Upon clicking the reporting button, a window will drop down listing the reports by section.

  1. Blue line – an indicator of the selected section of reports being viewed.
  2. Daily – reports relating to the Daily Books section, alongside the number of reports in that section and/or associated with search criteria.
  3. Comparative – General and time-based reports, alongside the number of reports in that section and/or associated with search criteria.
  4. Fuel – reports relating to the fuel sales and purchases, alongside the number of reports in that section and/or associated with search criteria.
  5. Non Fuel – reports relating to the C-Store sales and purchases, alongside the number of reports in that section and/or associated with search criteria.
  6. Search – Type in keywords or phrases to narrow down your search for a specific report or group of reports.
  7. Favorite Reports – When you make a report a favorite, you can quickly have easy access to locate it here at any time.

The number next to the section name indicates the number of reports in the accompanied section and/or associated with keywords or phrases used in the search criteria.

Each section separates its listed reports into sub-topics.

Use the scrollbar to view additional reports in the list

To view a report, select the report name and enter the search criteria. For example: Daily Book Summary Report