To manually take inventory of scratcher tickets, you must first record the next available ticket number for each book.

To begin, navigate to Purchase and Inventory and select Lottery then click Scratcher Inventory option.

The search window will open. Enter criteria and click Search button

The Scratcher Inventory Listing page will update with results. To create a new scratcher inventory, click the New button

The Scratcher Ticket Editing window will open. Fields in red are required

  1. Select Station
  2. Select Recon date from calendar
  3. Click Add

Once a store and date has been selected, click the ADD button and all active tickets for the station will list in the product section

Enter the first ticket number available for each book and the system will report the number of tickets left

Click the Save button to update inventory details

To view the Lottery Stock on Hand report, click the Action button and select the report

The report will open to show

When finished with lottery inventory, click the listing button to return to the main scratcher inventory listing page

If you need to view an existing scratcher inventory, click on the inventory date to view/edit the information