Importing Take Inventory Data from 3rd Party

This feature allows you to import a take inventory file from a 3rd party inventory company. Once you import it you can process the take inventory like you normally would in S2k as if you used your own handheld.

3rd party Company Inventory/Audit files must be formatted as per the following specs:

  • Must be submitted in CSV format
  • Contain only the following two columns:
    1. UPC#
    2. Audit count
    3. Date& timestamp


028200003577,98,6/27/2024 13:16
028200003843,18,6/27/2024 13:17
028200003596,9,6/27/2024 13:18

UPC# formatting

  • Items must be submitted with 12 digit UPC codes
  • If you have any UPC-e items (short codes), they must be converted to full 12 digit format

To import an inventory file go to Inventory > SKU Inventory and click the search button

The SKU Inventory listing page will display, click the new button

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is new-button.png

The SKU Inventory Editing page will open

Complete the required fields:
1. Select Store
2. Select Date of inventory
3. Click Save

To import the 3rd party file, click the attachments button

The attachments window will open

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is selecting-file-2-1024x439.png
  1. Click Choose File button
  2. Select the 3rd party inventory file from your PC
    *Be sure to back date if using Realtime inventory
  3. Click Open

The attachment window will update to show csv file available for import

Next, click the action button at the top of the window and select Import from Attachments

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is import-from-attachments.png

The Import From Attachments window will display

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is import-window.png
  1. Select CSV file for import
  2. Click OK

The inventory file will import and display results in the SKU Inventory Editing page