Navigate to Purchase and Inventory, choose Purchase and then select Fuel Invoice from the drop down.
When you click the Fuel Invoice tool a search criteria window will appear. The search dates will default to the most recent invoice dates
Edit the search fields as needed in order to view the existing fuel invoices.
The Fuel Invoice Listing will appear displaying the invoices that were within the search criteria.
- Store Code – Select receiving store from the dropdown list
- Vendor – Select the delivering vendor from the dropdown list
- Recon. Date – Date delivery is received – type it in or select the date from the dropdown calendar
- Invoice # – Type in the assigned BOL#_ invoice# (EX: 43932_943844)
- Gallons – Measurement of QTY of fuel received
- Payment Term- If a payment term has been assigned, it will display here
- Invoice $ – Total amount charged by vendor for the QTY of fuel received
- Computed $ – Cumulative total amount of the QTY of fuel received
- Approved Invoice indicator
- Attachment – # of attached documents saved to the fuel invoice
By default, the list of invoices will be sorted by date with the most recent at the top.
Click on any fuel invoice in the listing to open and edit the record